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Story from Scratch

Jul 27, 2020

In this episode, we address the giant elephant in the room and how it has affected our productivity as creatives. That's right--this episode's all about how we're managing during the COVID-19 era.

We talk about some of the things we've been doing to keep sane during this period of social isolation and provide a few tips...

Jul 20, 2020

In this episode, we examine an episode of the popular animated sci-fi comedy show, Rick and Morty. The specific episode we watched and gave our thoughts on was Season 4, Episode 1. So, please go watch the episode yourself before listening to the spoilers!

We talk about the time travel concepts and break down why...

Jul 13, 2020

In this episode, we return to our long-honoured tradition of coming up with a story idea - from Scratch

We "borrow" some ideas from the noble Sherlock Holmes stories once again (it's not stealing if we're upfront about it) and follow the Justin method for coming up with the first paragraph. 

It's strange how we...

Jul 6, 2020

Welcome back to Story from Scratch!

After a long hiatus, Justin Dill and Yale Wang have returned to bring you a new season of Story from Scratch. That means that we'll be coming to you with weekly releases once again. Woohoo!

In this episode, Justin and Yale take a look at what they've accomplished in 2019. Together,...