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Story from Scratch

Jun 24, 2019

This episode, Yale and Justin continue discussing why writing rules are wrong. They discuss the loneliness of writing and Yale complains about the double standard of what publishers expect from the first page of your manuscript. Justin helps readjust his expectations.

And for our Story from Scratch segment, we now have...

Jun 17, 2019

This episode, we continue with our story about a Journey (yet untitled - sorry about that folks). Our captain is not so capable. His cyborg friend is not so happy. And we nail down some details about our world as we discuss chapter one.

We also have a new segment: where we debunk the merits of some common writing...

Jun 13, 2019

We're kicking off Season Two of the podcast with a new segment where we talk about commonly prescribed writing rules. Specifically, we give our take on how we feel those rules could or even should be broken.

Then, we begin an all-new Story from Scratch segment with a story about a journey. And this time, we'll be...

Jun 13, 2019

Welcome to Season Two of Story from Scratch!


We will be embarking on a journey to write an entire fantasy/sci-fi novel to completion (or at least the first draft).


From the next episode onwards, we will be continuing with the same story each week. The goal is to complete the scenes necessary for about a chapter per...

Jun 7, 2019

A second episode this week as promised! We're nearing the end of season one, and we're super excited to be working on a special new segment for season two!

This episode, Yale and Justin discuss what's necessary to make a magic system satisfying and how they personally approach creating a magic system for novel-writing....