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Story from Scratch

Mar 29, 2021

This week, we get an update from Yale on how his querying journey has been going thus far... which leads us to the topic of how to deal with the anxiety of waiting and the crushing blow of rejection. We discuss some useful coping mechanisms we've employed, which hopefully will be of use to you once you've finished...

Mar 22, 2021

This week, we respond to questions and comments from our listeners! Sticking to our theme for the month, we touch on various topics related to querying. Find out how many agents to query at a time, whether you can query multiple agents at the same agency, and what sorts of unexpected questions agents might ask you to...

Mar 15, 2021

So you've got your package together and are ready to dive into the querying trenches. Except... there are hundreds of agents out there. How do you choose who to submit to first? What sort of things should you look for in an agent? What's the best way to go about researching agents? Learn the answers to these questions...

Mar 8, 2021

This week, Justin and Yale walk you through prepping for the querying process. We talk about how to know when your manuscript is ready to query, what to include in your synopsis, and how to structure your query letter. Justin struggles with numbered lists. 

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Mar 1, 2021

This month, we're going to be taking an in-depth look at the querying process. Got a finished manuscript but not sure what the next step is? No worries--we're here to walk you through it. In our overview episode, we discuss our first experiences with querying, the benefits of querying (aside from getting an agent, of...