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Story from Scratch

Sep 28, 2020

This episode, we each give our top 5 list of best twist endings and explain why we think they're so great. Between books, movies, and TV shows, our conversation reaches a wide net, so be warned! Major spoilers ahead. 

We talk about Joss Whedon films and classic anime, comedies and horror, novels and short stories, and...

Sep 22, 2020

This episode, we give our takes on how classic movies/books/tv shows could have ended with a twist ending instead of how they actually ended. What starts as a fun game turns into a test of our co-hosts' knowledge of Shakespeare, avoiding New England accents, and surprisingly good additions to some already really great...

Sep 14, 2020

In this episode, we (try) to create our version of a good twist from scratch! Taking inspiration from a number of sources, Yale and Justin try to navigate through the complexities of writing a scene with a good twist, but making it both satisfying and unexpected.

We discuss why going a 'full 180' is not that unexpected,...

Sep 7, 2020

This episode, Yale and Justin are all about twists: shocking reveals and last-minute turns-of-the-tide. Our co-hosts try to dig down to the root of what makes twists good. They talk about Rick and Morty, and The Usual Suspects, and why 'it was all a dream' is so bad. 


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